Monday, July 12, 2010

On the grid

The tides in Southeast Alaska vary enough for boats to pull up to what's called a tidal grid. When the tide recedes, work can be done on the underside of a boat, such as bottom paint, replacing zincs, etc. The trick is getting the work done before the tide comes back in!

So today we showed up at 5:00 am to help some friends work on the bottom of their 80 foot wood boat, the Cape Mark. The experience made me grateful for the smallness of our own boat. It can be tricky to work on a grid!

-Cape Mark on the grid, as the tide recedes.

A lot of barnacles had to be scraped off.

Shawn is power-washing the bottom.

Ray Jay is using a blow torch to dry the bottom so it can be painted.

Tonie getting some paint, and almost in over her head.

Painting while trying to keep my balance on the slippery grid was not easy.

I feel so small!

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my iPhone


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